Education Las Vegas, Nevada

Education in Las Vegas, Nevada

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Education  Education in Las Vegas, Nevada



Source Realty

Las Vegas, Nevada

I have lived in Las Vegas since 1989, I have been a successful real estate agent for the past 11 years and lived every minute of it. Prior to becoming a Real Estate Agent I was a sales manager for Hilton Garden Inn, and Drill Instructor for at Risk youth for the state of Nevada. I was enlisted in the Army National Guard. I specialize with first time home buyers, buyers who are using non-profit funds, 1031 Exchange, relocation, VA buyers and more! My niche is with seller’s weather they are doing a short sale or traditional sale. I have been part of the one-one coaching with mike Ferry Org. I am a member of the Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals, National Association of Realtors and National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals. I am committed to giving you the service you deserve to achieve your dreams in the Real Estate Industry.

Project Awol

Las Vegas, Nevada

Project AWOL is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing education in under developed worlds through its inspired educational movement. We believe that education is the key to freedom and has the ability to transform the world. By providing under privileged children with access to up to date information through new school facilities and cutting edge curriculum we can make a positive impact on tomorrows leaders today.

Mobile Massage Of Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada

Now, it’s not easy to become "unstressed", especially if that has been your normal for what feels like your entire life. It took a lot of reading (How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie was one of the most helpful), studying and support to find this new path I needed to be on, but one of the most pivotal components to my journey into a stress-free life was my masseuse. Every week it was what i looked forward to the most. She would come in to my home, and with candles, music, scents, would turn one of our rooms into my own peaceful sanctuary, almost completely separated from the entire world. It was here where I would feel my stress start melting away. My body would relax, and I would feel my health start coming back, and along with my health, my happiness and patience. It was because of this experience, that over 10 years, I made the decision to become a massage therapist myself. There is nothing like seeing the difference in my clients lives as I help them reduce the stress in their lives. To be able to bring people better help and happiness is unlike any other experience. Its because of this joy that keeps us always coming up with ways to improve the service and our clients overall experience. We hope that in the near future, we are able to help you experience what massage can do for you, your health, and your happiness.

Kranse Institute

Las Vegas, Nevada

Kranse Institute features the New PSAT/SAT digital test prep course designed by Shark Tank winner Shaan Patel. Students who take our PSAT/SAT prep increase their score by an average of 210 -- the highest average in the industry. With our digital prep course, you have 540 days of access. You study at your own pace, when and where you want. Increase your chances of being accepted to college now at

Derrick Kirk Motivational Speaker

Las Vegas, Nevada

Derrick Kirk is a young and Talented Motivational Speaker

Furniture Market

Las Vegas, Nevada

furniture market.

Cornerstone Christian Academy And Tykes Preschool

Las Vegas, Nevada

The CornerStone Christian Academy serves advanced curriculum with high academic standards to students in Kindergarten through 8th grades.

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