Entertainment Services Bronx, New York

Entertainment Services in Bronx, New York

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Bronx, New York

The SINARTI artist studio provides high quality and affordable creative workspaces to artists and makers for their long-term growth, development, and success.The SINARTI spaces are designed to provide New York City’s fine artists, makers and digital designers with access to affordable and convenient studio space for rent.The SINARTI Artist Building was built to accommodate talented artists, entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups & small businessesWe Offer:Private Office Space - Premium, Flexible, Full-Service Office Space Located in The Bronx, NYCRent a private office space for yourself or a customized cluster of NYC office suites for your team in our inspiring quiet and professional service driven environment. We offer quick start up, flexible terms and personalized services.INTRODUCING CUSTOM BUILD OUTS - Whether you need a unique suite, a specialized floor, or a one-of-a-kind HQ, our experts in architecture and technology can bring your vision to life with private layouts optimized for your business goals.Dedicated Desk - Our Dedicated Desk plans let you ground your business’s home base in a buzzing hub of creativity and commerce. With this month-to-month office space plan, your workspace is permanent, meaning you and your team work from the same spot each day. Dedicated Desk plans include a chair, trash can, and lockable filing cabinet so you feel the peace-of-mind from knowing there’s a station waiting for you every morning, and the ease of not having to carry your stuff around with you all the time. You get all the perks of working in a community, with a space you can really call your own.Private & Shared Art Spaces - Our Shared Studio Space is a communal work area that offers artists a multitude of resources and tools to create artwork of all disciplines.Private Studio Space also includes access to the entire Shared Studio SpaceWe Are Located In NYC.


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Bronx Entertainment Services Directory

The Bronx, New York Business Directory is a categorical selection of top companies located in Bronx, New York. This is the most comprehensive place to look for businesses that provide services in Bronx, New York. We are here to help you the best company for your needs. We've taken all the hassle out of locating companies in Bronx, New York by gathering statistics on each service provider, and listing them in an order that allows you to see which have the highest rank (based on Google rankings).